Longevity and health

Longevity and health

Aging is the process of becoming older over time. It is a natural and inevitable process that occurs in living organisms, including humans. As we age, our bodies and minds change and we become more vulnerable to a range of age-related health problems.

Aging is broad and several types of againg may occur in the lifespan of organisms [1]:

  1. Biological aging refers to the natural and gradual decline in the function of cells, tissues, and organs that occurs over time.
  2. Psychological aging refers to changes in cognitive function and mental health that can occur as we age. This can include changes in memory, attention, and problem-solving skills, as well as an increased risk of developing mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.
  3. Social aging refers to the changes in social roles and relationships that occur as we age. This can include changes in employment, family dynamics, and social connections.
  4. Environmental aging refers to the impact of environmental factors on the aging process. This can include exposure to toxins, pollutants, and other harmful substances that can accelerate the aging process and increase the risk of age-related health problems.

Overall, aging is a complex and multifaceted process that affects both the body and the mind. While it is an inevitable part of life, there are many things that individuals can do to promote healthy aging or to even slow it down [2], such as eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, ensuring regular and restorative sleep and engaging in mentally stimulating activities.

We will cover in details each of these aspects through detailed articles including scientific reviews and the latest information available. We will focus on biological aging and psychological aging which have undergone a decisive shift in the last decade. The main topics that will be covered include:


Sleep is an essential part of life, and getting enough quality sleep is important for overall health and well-being. Sleep plays a critical role in maintaining physical and mental health, and research has shown that sleep deprivation and poor sleep quality can have negative effects on the body and mind.

One way that sleep may affect aging and health is by influencing the body's ability to repair and regenerate cells and tissues. During sleep, the body is able to devote more resources to processes such as cell repair and immune function, which may help to prevent age-related decline and the development of certain diseases[3].

Sleep also plays a role in regulating hormones and other signaling molecules that influence various processes in the body, including metabolism, appetite, and immune function. Disruptions in these processes may contribute to age-related health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and immune system decline.

Recent studies have shown how does sleep influence our aging and health as well as how our sleep is forged by our habits.


It is no secret anymore that what we eat directly impact our well being, short term and long term. It can reduce or increase our risk of heart attack [4], cancer [5] and even getting the common cold.

The type and quality of the food we eat can have a significant impact on aging and health. Scientific studies have shown how a healthy diet that is rich in nutrients, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, can help to support healthy aging and reduce the risk of certain age-related conditions. At the same time, fast-food, increasing consumption of junk food and highly processed food has been recorded.

The health system is now bearing the consequences of such diets. But changing one's diet is not impossible, with clear indications and realising one's bad habits, every one can do it.

Physical activities

Regular physical activity has been shown to have a range of health benefits. It goes from the expected cardiovascular improvements to enhance mental health and overall mortality[6][7].

Different types of exercises can target different health improvements, for example hypertrophy helps building muscle that will stimulate your whole body constantly and the brings all kind of benefits. High intensity interval training will particularly improve cardiovascular condition as well as burn a lot of calories.

Different sports and different protocols apply to reach a good physical condition. Literature explore the proper form of commun exercise as well as the whys and hows it changes the human body.


  1. Gilbert SF. Developmental Biology. 6th edition. Sunderland (MA): Sinauer Associates; 2000. Aging: The Biology of Senescence
  2. M. Blagosklonny; 2012. Prospective Treatment of Age-Related Diseases by Slowing Down Aging
  3. M. Walker; 2008. Cognitive Consequences of Sleep and Sleep Loss
  4. S. Yusuf et al; 2004. Effect of Potentially Modifiable Risk FactorsAssociated with myocardial infarction in 52 countries
  5. TJ. Key et al; 2009. Cancer Incidence in British Vegetarians
  6. Institute of Medicine: 2005. Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids.  Panel on Macronutrients, Standing Committee on the Scientific Evaluation of Dietary Reference Intakes
  7. Newton and Galvão; 2008. Exercise in Prevention and Management of Cancer